Hello, this is Chris from Boise Health and Life Insurance Agency.
So today, just a really quick video.
Let's talk about how you sign up for
The actual enrollment, for a number of my clients it is a little bit confusing.
I mean, with any government program, it seems like sometimes things aren't very well laid out.
Okay, I'm going to try and show you the easiest, quickest way to actually get to what you need to do and we'll go from there.
So if you go into Google or any search engine Medicare enrollment, you should see this one right here
medicare.gov/signup. Click on this link.
Now we are on the Medicare.gov website and there is a wealth of information here.
It can be a little intimidating, especially if you don't do this a lot, right?
All right, this is broken down really well on this page here Get Started With Medicare.
Then How to get parts A and B if you have employer coverage etc. etc.
If you're still working, you should automatically get signed up for Part A depending, and then you'll want to delay Part B if you have group coverage, or maybe you might wanna look at actually getting on Medicare.
Depending, it might be a better deal for you.
And, you know, as far as the benefits, it depends on if you have a really high deductible on your group plan.
But you wanna look at that.
And that's something that we can talk about and then, But when you actually apply for Medicare, you actually do it on the Social Security website.
Okay, And you click here and this will take you to the ssa.gov website.
Now, this is a really great page here at your health insurance coverage.
Walk you through parts of Medicare, Part A & B is your hospital insurance by your medical insurance?
Then you've got If you do traditional Medicare, then you can get a Medicare supplement or a Medigap that will pick up that 20% that Medicare A and B don't cover.
Or you could do what's called a part C plan.
That's a Medicare advantage.
It combines A and B and D. Okay, well, I can. It could be a stand-alone and be, but usually, they come with part B as well, and it's all combined into a parts seat.
Okay, So should you sign up for Medicare part B, This will walk you through right here.
Um, it talks to you.
You might want to do it if you're working.
Don't worry.
If you're working at what's called creditable coverage, you can delay Part B and not have an enrollment penalty for part B or your part d prescription drugs.
Okay, so we just need to get a form from your HR filled out, showing that you had creditable coverage.
All right, so I and then you have your special enrollment periods.
That's if you have employees, you know if you're employed under a group plan, you have coverage.
And right here you just apply for Medicare on Lee.
Some people, um, will delay starting their Social Security.
You can actually push out claiming Social Security Thio age 70 currently, and every year that you do, it's about a 78% increase in your benefits, okay?
And you're in your monthly benefits.
So that's something to consider when you're getting ready to think about when to claim Social Security.
So you just apply right here.
It will walk you through the process.
I would start online, and start early.
Uh, and then if there are issues because this is an online process, if there are any issues, what you'd want to do is, um, call Social Security because of Covid virus.
If you have to call them to set an appointment.
And then you could go down to your local Social Security office to get any issues resolved.
Okay, but it should be pretty, pretty self-explanatory.
Of course.
Call here. We can help you wake up, get online with you and help you do all of this through the whole process.
Thanks, folks.
Have a great day.
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