Boise Health & Life Insurance Agency
9727 W Cory Ln
Boise, ID 83704
Some common questions that will give light to your understanding about what plan you should choose.
How does the Medicare Advantage Plan differ from Original Medicare?
Medicare Advantage plan provides coverage of Part A & B, and some of Part D. The biggest difference between the two is MAPD provides supplemental benefits such as hearing and vision care, dental coverage, and gym memberships, which are normally not offered by Original Medicare.
Non-primary health-related also covered by Medicare like: “If a member is an asthmatic, a Medicare plan could provide home care cleaners and carpet shampooing to reduce irritants that can trigger asthma.” These are some of the additional benefits of the Medicare Advantage plan. If you want to know more about the supplemental benefits of this plan, visit our website and contact our Insurance Agent, we can discuss the Medicare Advantage plan with you.
Is anyone allowed to enroll in the Medicare Advantage Plan?
Not exactly. To be able to apply for Medicare Advantage, a person must meet a certain condition to be eligible for the plan. Here are some requirements you must meet if you want to enroll on Medicare Advantage: You must be enrolled on both Medicare Part A and Part B. Also, an enrollee must live within the service area.
Can I still join for A Medicare Advantage plan even if I’m diagnosed with a pre-existing condition?
Yes! As of 2021, the Medicare Advantage plan will be available to everyone who has pre-existing conditions like End-Stage Renal Diseases. This plan is called Medicare Advantage Special Needs Plans or SNPs is specially designed for members with special needs or conditions
Can I use my Medicare Advantage Plan when I travel anywhere from the country?
Yes! Even though MAPD has a specific service area, you can travel with your plan. However, depending on the plan you choose, you may pay higher for out-of-network healthcare costs.
If I already enrolled in the Medicare Supplements plan.
Can I still have a Medicare Advantage plan? It is between a yes and a no. Yes, you can still apply for a Medicare Advantage plan even if you have a Medicare Supplements plan. And no, because you cannot use both plans together. As for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), you cannot use both plans at the same time to give you more benefits.
Will I lose my Original Medicare plan if I enroll in the Medicare Advantage plan?
No! In fact, it is the first requirement when you want to enroll in Medicare Advantage, there will be some administrative process with your private insurance carriers to implement your Medicare benefits. Besides, even if you disenroll your Medicare Advantage you can return to your original plan, so no, you cannot lose your Original plan when you enroll on Medicare Advantage.
How can I determine if it is the right plan for me?
If you’re still on the verge of thinking about whether Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage you should apply. Remember that whenever you choose it should meet your needs, and by that means ask yourself about the healthcare providers you want, the prescription you need, and hospitals you visit. These will help you determine which plan will suit you. Or better yet visit our website for more information regarding your plans.
If these things still confused you. You can still directly contact our Insurance Broker and Medicare Consultant for more questions and inquiries. Medicare Advantage plan is the most economic and convenient plan to receive your healthcare needs like Part A which is hospital insurance and Part B for medical insurance. It also provides a structural plan specifically for your necessities. Call our office today to get more plans perfectly fit for your needs.
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